Gonococcal is one of the most prevalent STIs, and it is chlamydia caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Thus, gonorrhea, even if it is one of the most easily cured sexually transmitted diseases, if not treated promptly, may result in extremely detrimental consequences to one’s health.

It is necessary to know what triggers the inflammation, what signs indicate the presence of the condition and ways to address it using the right gonorrhea medication.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that is passed from one person to another through sexual activities such as; vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium inhabits the genito urinary tract, especially warm and moist areas of the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes in the female partners and the urethra in the male and female partners. It can also affect the throat, eyes, and rectum.

This STI is common among people who have multiple partners, previous episodes of other STDs, and those who irregularly use condoms. Transmission also manifests through passing from the mother to the baby during birth, a condition that can complicate the newborn’s life.


Like all sexually transmitted infections or diseases, the signs of gonorrhea are different in males and females, and some might not be manifesting any signs or symptoms. Common complaints a man may be having include: a burning sensation when passing urine and abnormal discharge from the penis, which could be white, yellow, or even green, and painful or swollen testicles. As a result, women get less severe symptoms, which are scarcely noticeable and could be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.

These may include vaginal discharge, dysuria, vaginal bleeding, especially if she is not on her period, lower abdominal or pelvic pain. Gonorrhea presents some complications if untreated. In women, it can cause PID, and in men, it causes epididymitis. Infertility is a result of both ailments. Furthermore, the disease may affect the blood or joints, thus producing fateful consequences for the patient.

Treatment Options

Antibiotics are one of the primary ways the disease is treated, though this is under review and advisement by the WHO. According to CDC guidelines, gonorrhea requires dual therapy, of which the patient received 250 mg of intramuscular ceftriaxone and 1 gm of oral azithromycin. Such a combination assists in getting rid of the infection while minimizing the emergence of antibiotic resistance.

If current strains are resistant to antibiotics, other drugs that can be given include gentamicin or gemifloxacin. The management of all cases involves partners to avoid reinfection and confirm that both partners have the infection. There should also be abstinence from sexual activity to the end of treatment and proven negative results for the infection. Therefore, people should have routine check-ups for STIs, and safe sex measures to minimize contraction of the gonorrhea infection by use of rubber protective gloves are critical measures.

 Final Thoughts

Gonorrhea is still among the commonly reported STIs and has a negative impact on health in case of its non-treatment. As such, knowledge of the reasons behind the development of this disease, identification of contaminated signs, and effective treatment using the right medication for gonorrhea minimizes its occurrence. All individuals should use protective measures during sexual practices and often get tested and treated for the diseases to decrease the incidences of gonorrhea.