
The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange significantly influence the trading environment. Since its launch in 2003, it has become a premier exchange platform for traders focusing on agricultural commodities and related services. Diversification of their portfolios is possible for them as more options imply more investment in commodity trading among investors. One of the important non-agricultural commodities traded on NCDEX platform is copper. This metal has diverse applications rendered by some industries and therefore attracts traders seeking to profit from changes in its price across the market.

Factors affecting copper price:

  1. In numerous industries ranging from building to electronics, copper is used, and both national and global factors determine its price. It is worth noting that the major factors affecting copper prices are its supply and demand. When there is less need for copper prices tend to fall while when more is needed, they rise.
  2. Since copper is used heavily in manufacturing and construction, a growing economy means that it is in higher demand. Moreover, if the economy is not good, it can lead to a decline in demand and a fall in copper prices.
  3. Copper prices are monitored by traders on NCDEX. The price of copper is measured in INR per kg, and price movements are aligned with global market trends. Everyday dynamic changes in copper prices are made easier for traders using this information.
  4. Besides, these variations present an opportunity for traders to reduce risk within their portfolios due to fluctuating copper prices and global demand for it. NCDEX provides a secure and regulated trading environment that allows traders to engage in future contracts.

Investing in copper through NCDEX:

Investors looking to invest in copper via NCDEX should be informed about market trends and have a clear understanding of the factors affecting copper prices. Traders should regularly follow updates from trusted sources. NCDEX also offers various contracts that allow traders to participate in the copper market, making it accessible to many.

If there is instability in copper-producing areas or changes in international trade policies, it directly influences the price of copper. Additionally, the increasing use of copper in renewable energy and other production activities may have a long-term impact on its demand.

It is also important for traders to analyze historical data related to copper prices, as this can provide valuable insights to those looking for price trends and making plans. Platforms like NCDEX can provide this data and allow traders to make predictions based on past performance.


Copper is an important part of global industrial development, so traders are advised to stay updated on its price trends and fluctuations for successful commodity trading. Investors who use NCDEX can take advantage of various contracts to minimize the risks.

For those looking to invest or trade in copper, platforms like 5paisa offer a user-friendly interface and other services. It enables you to utilize all important tools essential for traversing through the intricacies involved in trading activities. So, if understanding of trades is what you want from an online brokerage firm then 5paisa should be your platform of choice.