A beautiful smile transforms a person’s confidence and pride in themselves. Are you looking for the treatment of misaligned teeth? What are the most common teeth affiliations that can be treated with Invisalign treatment? Are there advantages and disadvantages of using this treatment?

Invisalign treatment

This treatment is designed to move your teeth slowly into their proper position. It is painless, comfortable, and invisible when compared to metal braces. Customized transparent, plastic aligner trays are used in the treatment. These trays are exchanged when your teeth shift into their proper position.

Invisalign before and after

To maintain good dental and oral health, you should be able to floss your teeth often. If you have a problem with crowded teeth, Invisalign treatment is your solution. Visit an orthodontist for examination and recommendation for the treatment. The results for Invisalign before and after is that your teeth get realigned and teeth crowding corrected in a few months safely and discretely.

Common teeth afflictions

  • Excessive tooth spaces

The space between the teeth is excess. It can result in food getting stuck leading to cavities.

  • Gap teeth

A gap commonly appears on the upper jaw between the two incisors.

  • Underbite

The teeth on the lower jaw cover the teeth on the upper jaw.

  • Deep overbite

The canine and upper incisors teeth extend beyond lower teeth.

  • Open bite

When the mouth is closed, there is space between the teeth in the upper and lower jaw.

  • Anodontia

When one or multiple teeth are absent in the jaw.

  • Crossbite

The incisors collide with each other leading to premature wear.

Advantages of Invisalign

  1. Aesthetics

Invisalign aligners are transparent and removable. It allows a discrete way of straightening the teeth without anyone noticing. Most adults prefer this option.

  1. It does not irritate the tongue and gums.

The smooth plastic used to make Invisalign does not irritate the gums. Invisalign is better than braces. It is because braces have brackets that rub against the tongue and gums hence irritating.

  1. You can floss and brush normally.

The Invisalign aligners are removable. It means that you can remove them and brush or floss your teeth normally. The brackets present in braces make it hard to floss and brush. A stain may remain after the braces removal since a big portion of the teeth is covered.

  1. You can eat anything you want.

You can remove the Invisalign, eat whatever you want, and then put it back on. Braces limit the types of food that you can eat. You should avoid foods that are chewy, hard, and sticky. These types of foods can break the brackets in the braces.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

  1. They can be easily displaced since they are removable.
  2. If they are not worn properly or for enough time, your teeth may fail to align properly or at all.

Things you should know about Invisalign

  • It is efficient and fast.

It is faster than braces. It can take 2-3 months to see visible results.

  • Loosened teeth

When a patient removes their aligners, their teeth may feel loose. For your teeth to be moved into new positions, they have to be loosened.

  • You may experience discomfort.

It is normal to feel a certain degree of discomfort. The discomfort varies depending on the patient, pain tolerance, and smile.

  • A slight lisp.

During the first and second weeks, your voice may sound different. The lisp eventually goes away once you get used to the aligners.

  • It is custom-made.

The patient’s mouth is scanned then a series of aligners are designed. You will brush regularly.

When you drink or eat, you are supposed to remove your aligners. Before you put your aligners on, you should brush and floss. It is unhealthy and uncomfortable for your teeth if food residue is trapped between the aligners.

  • Aligners should be cleaned properly.

Use a mild aligner cleaner to clean your aligners. Do not brush your aligners with toothpaste. It will result in them being yellow and murky due to the abrasive ingredients present in toothpaste.

  • You can whiten your teeth during the treatment.

It is possible when you add a whitening treatment to the trays.

Invisalign treatment process

  • Consultation

You make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor does the following:

  • Discover your needs.
  • Teeth examination.
  • Use the digital scan to show how your teeth look like.
  • Gives you your options of treatment.

You get to understand the financials and scheduling needed for the treatment.

  • Diagnostics

It happens on the same day as the consultation appointment. To complete the diagnostic process, the doctor will collect your records. X-rays and photographs of your teeth and face are taken. It provides a digital duplicate of your teeth, enables the doctors to complete their diagnosis on time, and find out the treatment plan that works best for you. The doctor takes an average of two weeks to communicate with Invisalign technicians to map out every movement of your teeth.

  • Delivery

You will be able to:

  • Get the aligners.
  • Understand how to wear and take good care of them.
  • Taught how to use the Invisalign app to communicate remotely with your doctor and keep track of your treatment process.
  • The treatment

For 20 to 22 hours a day, you should wear aligners. You only take them off to brush, floss, and eat. After 7-14 days, you will need to switch to a new set of aligners. You should go for check-ups after every 8-12 weeks.

  • Use of retainers

The bone around the teeth will take 3-6 months to stabilize and heal after active movement. To maintain good results, you should use a retainer.


Invisalign treatment is a discrete way of realigning your teeth to their proper positions. Misaligned teeth can lead to social discomfort when someone is self-conscious about their smile. Gap teeth, crossbite, open bite, anodontia, underbite, excessive tooth spacing, and deep overbite are the most common afflictions that can be treated with this treatment. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using Invisalign to know if it is the treatment for you. Some of the things that you should know about Invisalign have been stated in this article.